FHIR (Fast Healthcare Interoperability Resources) Testing & Verification is a creditable independent evaluation of your application’s ability to comply with HL7 FHIR standards and ensure providers and hospitals your application meets the necessary requirements to connect safely to EHR systems. As the industry continues to push for more interoperability, many providers and hospitals are reluctant to accept 3rd party applications without a level of confidence that the applications meet industry standards and have the necessary levels of patient privacy and security to protect patient data.

SLI Compliance’s verification program is designed to achieve that trust by offering developers a 3rd party assessment of their application and obtaining a level of credibility. The verification process and results are transparent, making necessary information available to hospitals, providers, and end-users to aid in establishing the trust needed for safe, effective, and seamless application integration.

As an ONC Accredited Test Laboratory with over 15 years of experience in health IT testing and certification, SLI Compliance provides the highest level of inspection to ensure your application not only conforms to standards but is ethically interoperable – a true competitive differentiator.

Schedule a meeting with the SLI Compliance team to learn more about the testing and verification process.

Contact us today to achieve your FHIR program goals!


*ISO 9001:2015 Certification covers Quality Management for Testing Services

Orion Registrar, Inc. Certificate

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Verified Applications:


  • I want to thank you again for SLI's independent assessment of Broomfield's election procedures and subsequent development of updated election procedures. SLI's work assisted the City Council greatly in understanding the strengths and weaknesses of existing systems and helped restore confidence in these systems for future elections.

    James L. Becklenberg

    Former Assistant City and County Manager

  • It is with sincere gratitude and appreciation that we unconditionally recommend SLI. Our effort to obtain Meaningful Use Stage 2 Certification for our community health software platform required significant interpretation of the federal guidelines that SLI provided in plain English, on an as needed, and always timely basis. The staff is outstanding and their attitude is nothing less than grace under pressure. To keep it all together, with client after client struggling to interpret often vague federal guidelines, is laudable. The bottom line is that we had a choice, and we went with a recommendation for SLI based on a couple interviews with folks that preceded us, and it turned out to be the best possible decision.

    Milton Allione


  • I sought SLI’s assistance in providing information to me on testing practices for the Uniform Voting System (UVS) that the State of Colorado is seeking. I also worked with them as they developed a report for the Colorado Voter Access and Modernized Elections Commission on an assessment of voting system technology in Colorado. The results provided by SLI were valuable and helped the state make key decisions regarding Colorado's UVS strategy. As our project moves forward, we expect to call upon SLI to test one or more proposed systems to meet Colorado Voting System Certification Standards.

    Al Davidson

    Former Program Manager

  • The SLI team, in my opinion, was outstanding. I truly appreciated this process and all the guidance they provided. Not only did this team well represent themselves and the expertise they possess, but also well represented the SLI organization. I would highly recommend SLI to anyone...

    Norman Joseph

    Vice President, Product Management

  • We are so gratified that our cumulative efforts have yielded the much-needed results. I must hasten to add that the work of the entire SLI team has lent so much credibility to this entire electoral process. For this alone, you have the gratitude of not just this member of the Technical Evaluation Committee, but more likely that of an entire nation.

    Tim Diaz de Rivera

    Director General, National Computing Center